The Search For Answers
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Eileen Caddy MBE, 1917-2006, was a spiritual teacher and new age author, best known as one of the founders of the Findhorn Foundation community at the Findhorn Ecovillage, near the village of Findhorn, Moray Firth, in northeast Scotland.
Upon reading this quote I immediately turned to religion choices as the main topic. Religion is man-made, made to provide answers to the mysteries of life. Over time, some of those mysteries were solved by science and the pure passing of time. Other mysteries, Purpose of life, life after death, existence of a god, etc., remain. In ancient times many of these mysteries were answered by what we now refer to as mythology. AT the time, the answers were considered truth. Then, as now, those so-called answers did not resonate with everybody. Most kept their non-acceptance to themselves, out of fear of being ostracized (or worse) by their communities. People find their answers to the mysteries of life from many resources, often combing information and beliefs of multiple belief systems and personalizing them. Others take in the boxed-set of standard religions.
Who is right? Which belief system is right? They are all right for that individual because they fit the needs and provide believable, understandable answers to those who are searching. While we are all “one” we remain individuals with individual, unique thoughts, likes and dislikes. Imagine if we all talked alike, dressed the same, drove the same type and color car. Ditto for our religious and spiritual beliefs. Hard to imagine? None of the choices are wrong for those who opt to follow one or another path. As the saying goes, all paths lead to the same spot, whatever you call it.
Religion gives you hope, a sense of security, a calmness, peacefulness, an inner understanding, an understanding of the non-understandable – the mysteries of life. It doesn’t matter where it comes from, a book, a handed-down belief system, a 2,000 or 20,000 year old religion or a 5 year old one. If it fits an individual and causes harm to no one, so be it.
Be passionate about your religion while being compassionate toward others. Live it. Wear it on your sleeve if you like. Practice it in your everyday life. As you do, be respectful and mindful of those who follow a different path, for at the end of the journey, your paths will lead you to the same destination.
Blessed Be!
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