Mary Pickens was a Canadian-American silent movie actress, 1892-1979. She was a co-founder of United Artists and one of the founders of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences.
Are there really “mistakes”? Life is full of choices and learning opportunities. That is the purpose of life – to learn how to become closer to Deity and/or to help others reach the same goal. We do this by experiencing varied situations.
When facing the results of our choices there are lessons learned, regardless of what choice we made. So, as long as we learn something from the resulting situation, can any choice be a mistake? One choice may result in an uncomfortable or difficult situation while a different choice, in hindsight, would have been smoother with an easier outcome. How do we make that first choice a positive one? We do so by acknowledging the process that led to the choice and the ensuing result. Were our motives pure or selfish? Was it powered by financial greed? Did we put our trust in the wrong person or people? Did we act hastily without all the facts? Did we act out of anger or to anger others? Did we depend on somebody else?
What do we do after it becomes obvious that the outcome was not the one we envisioned? Again, we make note of what transpired, make the most of it and promise ourselves not to make a similar choice again.
In the case where others are involved we should be mindful that while we cannot control the actions of others, we can control our reaction to them.
Our mistakes can also serve as a lesson to others. They can view our choices, results and our reaction to them. If done wisely, they can learn from our actions and use that info in their own choice-making process.
Look for the positive in any situation. Look and you will find it. Once found use it to assist you in making your future choices. Take something with you from any situation. Do not waste a learning opportunity.
Blessed Be!
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