Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Looking for Mysteries of Life Answers

Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Thing With Feathers That Perches In The Soul

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Invisible Power?

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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Alexes' Medical Fund

Alexes, our 13 yr-old granddaughter, has severe scoliosis. It has reached the point that the spine is now wrapping around the heart. She is preparing for an Oct. 7, 2015 surgery at UPMC Childen's Hospital Pittsburgh, a 4-hour procedure using screws, plates and wires to straighten it out. Post surgery will necessitate a 5-day hospital stay. Afterwards, she will be bedridden for 1-month followed by a 6-month period of non-activity. 

Alexes has 6 siblings, ranging in ages 9 to 15. This whole experience puts the entire family under tremendous strain of all kinds. Transportation expense from Altoona to Pittsburgh is and will continue to mount along with expenses incurred for care for her siblings while her parents tend to Alexes.

Prayers, positive energy, financial and any other form of assistance will be greatly appreciated. Please help! Thanks and Blessings!


Monday, September 14, 2015

Over the Edge

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  Google Images

 “God stirs up our comfortable nest and pushes us over the edge of them and we are forced to use our wings.”…..Hannah Whitall Smith

Hanah Whitall Smith, 2/7/1832-5/1/1911, was a lay speaker and author. She was active in the U.S. Holiness Movement. The one-time Quaker was also active in the UK and Ireland Higher Life Movement, women’s suffrage and temperance periods.

How do we react when our comfort level is breached? Life is a journey whose goal is to learn via experiences, toils and trials along with victories. Life is simply a stage for learning the lessons we need and/or helping others do the same by being role models and demonstrating what or what not to do under given circumstances.

The mother bird nudges her young out of the nest, knowing they will take flight, at the same time knowing they are petrified. Our experiences give us the opportunity to soar. Even in those circumstances when we feel our attempts fail, we walk away with a gained knowledge for future use.

I do not see Deity as a puppeteer pulling our strings. Deity created a Universe where we control our lives, everyday choices plus after-life evaluation to chart a course that will best give us the opportunities to learn life’s lessons in our next life experiences.

We do, though, need an occasional push from someone-something to get us over hurdles, out of ruts and non-productive routines, encouraging and at times forcing us to try new things. Think back on your past and the many roadblocks you faced. Were you pushed to your limits? Did you not only survive but flourish afterwards? I relate it to those dreaded road construction signs: A temporary inconvenience for a permanent improvement.

Blessed Be!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Soul Listening

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Got Choices?

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A Rose Is a Rose Until You Give It Away

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Google Images  
Be a Rose Giver Today            

“The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose.”….. Cuban actress Hada Bejar

Each day brings new chances, opportunities to make a difference in your own or someone else’s life. Opportunities abound daily to test the axiom that it is better to give than to receive. Following the law of 3 Fold Return and the concept of Karma, what is given returns to you in some form. See my article at  http://liomsaland.blogspot.com/2015/08/law-of-physics.html. When the gift (I refer to it as a gift even though it often is not a physical item but rather an act or word of kindness) is given the memory of the receiver’s reaction, whether it be a silent nod, a shout of glee, a firm handshake, a tearful grin or a warm hug, will remain with you for years, if not a lifetime.

Don’t forget about that ripple effect (http://liomsaland.blogspot.com/2015/10/start-ripple-today.html) as your act of kindness gets passed down time and time again. I know a couple who, during the holiday season, cashed in their coins at a local grocery store. A gentleman witnessed them doing so and quickly, discreetly, dropped a $20 bill in front of them apparently thinking they were struggling financially and wanted to help. Awe struck at what happened they recovered their senses much too late to even say thank-you. What did they do? Knowing a jobless, single mother of 8 who was without a doubt struggling in all ways, they passed the $20 on to her. The mother wisely used the $20 to pay for several loads of laundry for her children’s clothes. The children’s self-images rose the next day as they proudly, happily wore their clean clothes to school with a smile and a bounce in their step.

A fragrance was left on hands that day. It is a fragrance that cannot be bottled and found on the shelf of your favorite retailer. It is a fragrance that can start with you and one small, simple act. Let’s call it “Eau de Giving”. Pick some up today!

Blessed Be!