Saturday, August 29, 2015

The "F" Word: A Powerful Word

Monday, August 24, 2015

The Essentials of Life

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Rainy Days!

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 Make the best of those rainy days!           Google Images

Whenever it rained, whether it was light drizzle or a thunderous storm, a late friend of mine would say that it's a cleansing rain. We would all laugh at him, of course, since we were all too busy dodging the raindrops as we scurried through our busy lives, much too busy to be hindered by some intruding rain. How dare it rain on our daily parade. But, in, hindsight, he was so right.
The simple miracle (is any miracle simple?) of water falling from the sky has been interpreted in many way in cultures all over the world. Some view it as a nourishing gift from the Deities. Others see it as a symbol of emotional cleansing, representing the unending union between Earth and Sky. And today, we often view it as an annoyance.
But why fight it? Rainy days can also be interpreted as a signal to slow down and contemplate life and recharge. Think about what happens during a rain. Mother Nature darkens the sky, freshly opened flower buds close and animals settle in to their nests for a period of rest. We should do likewise and honor the day by slowing down and appreciating our connection to nature.
On rainy days, fill your home with light, sound and comfort. Fully appreciate being snug and dry during a downpour. Follow the storms lead by changing the energy in the air. Burn some incense or sage. Light candles. Listen to some music. Be grateful for the protection your shelter provides.
Feel shut-in not being able to safely venture out due to the weather? Try clearing away any negative energy by clearing out any clutter, sweeping away dust and just freshening up the area. The rain shower wil be beautiful and wondrous if you are happy.
Take that perceived negative once again and flip it, looking for the positives. After all, why not make the best of it, you cannot stop the rain, or can you?
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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Leave Me Alone! Or Not!

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Alone Time: Where and How Do You Spend it?
Google Images

We have all experienced it. The need, desire, wanting to be alone, alone with our own, and only our own, thoughts, dreams, words and memories. We may choose "alone time" when we need to concentrate and focus, avoiding distractions, or perhaps when we wish to let music, art or a book into our inner selves. (Where are you reading this article? Are you alone? By choice?)

Sometimes we need "alone time" to do nothing but enjoy the sounds of silence (thank you Simon & Garfunkel). At times, we need that "alone time" to replenish and revitalize ourselves, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This need for "alone time" is a natural want, a way of our bodies telling us it needs something. It needs this protection in a sense.

While it is vital that we listen to our bodies, we must be good listeners and really hear what is being said, and not put words into our minds that are not from a true source. Too much isolation is not healthy in any manner, physically, mentally, spiritually or emotionally. This is especially true when our real intent is to run-away, not deal with realities, by hiding or withdrawing. We should not let isolation take us away from our lives. It should be experienced only to enhance it.

Yes, "alone time" is important, but we are social creatures by nature, needing human contact at some level. It is the extremely rare individual that can live in today's world without interacting with others, living in a vacuum.

Use "alone time" wisely, for positive reasons, to empower yourself and restore yourself, allowing yourself to return restored and ready to face life with a new vigor.

Now, Leave Me Alone! But not until you hit the subscribe button! I'll use the "alone time" to ponder my next article topic. How are you going to use your "alone time"?

Friday, August 14, 2015

Corny Friends

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Google Images
My new locale sure is friendly,at least 1,000 friends have I. 
They may be here for summer only, but that's OK for they will return yearly.
While here they spend their days waving to me and any passerby with true intention. 
Like a true friend they freely listen, all ears at attention as silent they stand looking in my direction. 
I will be sad to see them go as time nears for their trip to the valley of the jolly green giant. 
But, alas, like the true friends they are, a yearly return is so reliant.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Great Taste! Less Filling!

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            Google Images

 What do you see?

How do you see your world? Half empty? Half full? Partly cloudy? Partly sunny? I won't win so why should I play? Which phrases sound familiar to you?

How we look at our lives, our situation, often determines the outcome, the real outcome, the future. But, it's not the result at the end that counts. Rather, it is the journey that allows us many opportunities to experience life.

The above phrases not only pertain to the proverbial glass or sky or lottery odds, but to our lives as well. When we look at our lives with a half-empty attitude, we feel a lack and think that other half is what's missing. We approach life from a position of expectation when we use that thought process. That attitude skews our future life journey if we allow it to continue.

We do have a choice. We can choose to look at our lives as half-full. That way we perceive fullness and are grateful for what we do have. Looking at it as a gift - not an entitlement. In half-full thinking, we count our blessings, seeing all the elements in place and all the things we do have. This draws positive energy into our lives which attracts more abundance.

How do we allow our glasses, our lives, to behalf-full more often? First, imagine your life as an empty glass. No friends, no family, no home, no income, etc. It's just an amply glass, waiting to be filled. Once you can clearly feel that emptiness in your mind, begin filling it. Fill it with people, things, places that make up your life and more than anything else, with love. Don't be surprised if your glass is soon over-flowing.

Blessed Be!

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Sunday, August 9, 2015

Shhhhh! Silence Please!

Can you hear the sounds of silence?

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 Google Images

Stop reading this and take the 30 seconds to listen, really listen, to the world around you. What do you hear? Traffic on the street? The computer humming? The refrigerator whirling? The TV in the next room? (OK, please continue reading)
Our every day lives are filled with noise, be it background noise or essential communication sounds. It's the non-essential noise that is of concern. While there are noises we have no control over and must endure, if we all took steps to minimalize needless noise in our own worlds, we would find some amazing results. I know I cringe whenever my car horn beeps when it is locked. Is that really necessary? Not usually and I try to use the silent lock as much as possible.
Noise as a distraction can affect us in several ways. It can distract us, misdirect and block us from our concentartion, focus, emotions, letting us avoid the dreaded problems by not dealing with them. It blocks our thoughts and emotions, not allowing us to acknowledge our true emotions. If they are not acknowledged, they cannot be dealt with. Noise pollution thus allows uncomfortable and overwhelming emotions to fester to a possible boiling point.
Turn off the noise, don't fight noise with another noise. Relish true silence. It is then that your strongest feelings will surface, providing an environment enabling healing, as you deal with the emotions and problems that surface. In silence, it is easier for the strong feelings to surface, to deal with them and find new solutions.
In silence, go within, embrace it. Cherish the opportunity to accept your pain, anger, frustration as they surface and create positive solutions. The silent moments are rare indeed, but must be sought and created regularly, even if they are short lived, for much can be accomplished in them.

Blessings and thanks for reading. Enjoy this article? Receive e-mail alerts when new articles are available. Just click on the "Follow" button.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Perspective Mountain

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 Google Images

Once on top, take a look back at the journey and how you got there.

A couple of days ago, I talked about the mountains and valleys of life, how we find both during our life journey, and that we should allow ourselves to open our arms to not only accept help when we are in the valley, but to also extend them up in an offer of help to others when we find ourselves atop the mountain in an effort to assist in raising them up.
What is it about mountains that cause us to use them so often when referring to life? Why has man always sought to scale them?
Mountains symbolize vision, the ability to rise above the lowlands and see beyond our immediate vicinity. Mountains, even from a distance, remind us of how small we are in the grand scheme of things. Important, yes, but a small part in the big picture.
Mountains allow us perspective and force us to look at things comparatively. Looking up at a majestic mountain we feel miniscule, but believe that if we accept the challenge to climb it, we will be a better person for doing so.
Many individuals have climbed mountains in order to connect with a higher source of understanding and many have come back down feeling stronger and wiser. Mikao Usui, of Usui Reiki fame, is an example of that. Yes, climbing a mountain does take skill, fortitude, patience, planning, inner and outer strength, and I’m sure many other attributes that an actual mountain climber is not aware of. The climb to the top of the real mountain, just like life’s mountain, is not easy, but once we reach the pinnacle, Voila!!
From the top of the mountain we are able to witness life from a new, different perspective. Cities and masses of people seem little and minute when observed from such a vantage point and big problems now look insignificant. But the only thing that has really changed is one’s vantage point, one’s perspective. They are the same people, same you, same cities, same mountain - only now the vantage point is from above.
Whether we are at the mountain top or the valley in life, our perspective is easily tainted accordingly. The challenge to us all is to view the world with the proper perspective wherever we are on the mountain and to not forget the journey up and the others at its starting point in the valley, just one wrong step below. Life is what we make it and how we look at it.
Perspective: According to a local citizen, the best place to view a sunset is the parking lot at Save-A-Lot at Skyway Plaza in Caribou, Maine, while another insists it's from a corn field in Everett, PA. It’s all in one’s perspective. How do you see the world? Where is your favorite place to view a sunset? Perspective Mountain?
Blessed Be!

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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Law of Physics

The Law of Physics states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Easily understood, but what form or nature does that reaction take? Who decides? When it comes to our interactions with others (and ourselves), we decide, and there are many options to choose from. They include a knee-jerk, emotional response, or a calm, logic-driven, mental response, remembering that everything happens for a reason. What reaction is beneficial to you, to others?
When facing turmoil, real or perceived, try to remain calm, relaxed and evaluate the situation. What are your options and what are the possible outcomes of those actions? Keeping in mind that everything happens for a good reason and without recent turmoil there would be no impetus to focus on a better life.
We can’t control the words or actions of others, but we can control our reaction to them. Make the reaction decision based on the premise that it is an opportunity to recognize the presence of love and peace where you thought it was void. Use the situation as a learning experience to better yourself. Do not pass on the opportunity to acknowledge a life lesson. When the situation isn’t measuring up to what you want, first, make a decision about what you would rather have. Then, plan, and put it into action, await in eager anticipation as it is brought to you.
Situations are not tests, but rather opportunities, opportunities to realize and experience a positive life lesson.
Make your equal and opposite reaction an intelligent mental choice and an opportunity realized. The choice is yours.