Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Too Much or Not Enough?

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During the holiday season, when the custom of giving gifts is popular, the belief that "Blessed are those who give, for they shall receive sevenfold," seems so appropriate.  There seems to be a blessing in return that comes from giving to and sharing with others. At the same time, the custom often makes us look at our “status” and financial position as we calculate what is affordable as gifts. Will that recipient think less of you if you spend $10 less for that generic brand as opposed to a brand name? How does it make you feel if you have $10 less to your name?

During this time we will find ourselves with questions about what we have because our possessions can hold us back upon the way to perfection if we have so many that they consume our time taking care of them. What happens to your feeling of abundance when you think you must guard what you have instead of sharing? This feeling of guarding your possessions may disengage you from the flow of abundance

So, ask yourself, would it be better to share what you have? Having "things" is so much engrained in our consumer mentality that we might find it an unusual thought to consider "sharing" what we have with others… but it can, no, it should be done, and done happily.

People are taught to consider possessing an abundance of "things" to be a sign of success.  Thus, we have the bumper stickers that say:  "He who dies with the most toys WINS!"  Really? Life is a game? What is the prize?

With wisdom we are shown that the person who is the wealthiest does not want for more, regardless of how much or how little he has.  Whereas the poor man has a plethora of "wants" and feels the lack of his desires.

Of these two individuals, who is the happiest?  Who has the most well-being?

Which one would YOU rather be?

It's worth thinking about…
Next, let’s talk about gratitude………

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