Everyday Miracles
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It is, or should be, these every day aspects that bring us the most joy. We are more apt to appreciate and full heartily grasp the experience of living if we take the time and effort to acknowledge them. It takes little time, little effort to acknowledge these wonders, but the rewards are immeasurable. Look for the beauty, small acts of kindness and laughter and what may, at first, seem like the ordinary daily happenings, become miraculous events….birds fly, the sun shines, human life is created and sustained….Look at the details. Ask yourself how, why, when did this all start?
When you awake, set the intention to notice more joy in the world. You will find it, small and big, and it will fill your life in multi-dimensions. The sound of laughter, birds singing, water falling, ocean surf crashing, and yes, even the dog barking, are all delightful miracles happening daily in our world.
You will find your day and your life filled with more joy when you make a practice of keeping your eyes, ears and all your senses open and cognizant of the wonders around you. It’s one of the best natural remedies around and definitely the least expensive. Start today and with each passing day you will find these miracles abound, bringing you a deeper appreciation for everything the Universe has given our lives.
Smile, for you, too, are a miracle!
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