Sunday, August 9, 2015

Shhhhh! Silence Please!

Can you hear the sounds of silence?

Image result for silence

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Stop reading this and take the 30 seconds to listen, really listen, to the world around you. What do you hear? Traffic on the street? The computer humming? The refrigerator whirling? The TV in the next room? (OK, please continue reading)
Our every day lives are filled with noise, be it background noise or essential communication sounds. It's the non-essential noise that is of concern. While there are noises we have no control over and must endure, if we all took steps to minimalize needless noise in our own worlds, we would find some amazing results. I know I cringe whenever my car horn beeps when it is locked. Is that really necessary? Not usually and I try to use the silent lock as much as possible.
Noise as a distraction can affect us in several ways. It can distract us, misdirect and block us from our concentartion, focus, emotions, letting us avoid the dreaded problems by not dealing with them. It blocks our thoughts and emotions, not allowing us to acknowledge our true emotions. If they are not acknowledged, they cannot be dealt with. Noise pollution thus allows uncomfortable and overwhelming emotions to fester to a possible boiling point.
Turn off the noise, don't fight noise with another noise. Relish true silence. It is then that your strongest feelings will surface, providing an environment enabling healing, as you deal with the emotions and problems that surface. In silence, it is easier for the strong feelings to surface, to deal with them and find new solutions.
In silence, go within, embrace it. Cherish the opportunity to accept your pain, anger, frustration as they surface and create positive solutions. The silent moments are rare indeed, but must be sought and created regularly, even if they are short lived, for much can be accomplished in them.

Blessings and thanks for reading. Enjoy this article? Receive e-mail alerts when new articles are available. Just click on the "Follow" button.

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