Friday, July 31, 2015

Goddess/God Is Life

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God is in all of us as the very life and substance that we use….God is life; we make that life into living.” – Myrtle Filmore

Myrtle Filmore, 8/6/1845-10/6/1931, was the co-founder of Unity Church, along with her husband, Charles, within the “New Thought” movement. The graduate of Oberlin College also taught in Missouri. The tuberculosis survivor, born in Pagetown, Ohio, also resided in Colorado, Nebraska.
Mrs. Filmore hit the nail on the head. As the Creator, Deity, call Him/Her whatever you may, is in all of us. As such, we should treat each other and ourselves accordingly. Do no harm nor abuse to anyone or anything. We all share this common thread so by doing harm to one we are ultimately hurting ourselves as we are all one. Take a read at for insight on the “We Are One” belief. This also means not being judgmental. No one judges us but ourselves. It means being accepting of beliefs of others regardless of how different from ours they are. There are many differences among Pagans, many different traditions, some chose to practice solitarily while others join groups of some kind. Some outwardly wear garb or jewelry denoting their beliefs while others prefer to keep their beliefs confidential. One way is not right or wrong. It is simply right for that individual and we have no authority to judge otherwise. The same holds true in our interactions with non-Pagans. Yes, it can be challenging at times, but look for the commonality instead of the differences. Again, we are not another’s judge.
This prompts me to another point I would like to bring up. As Pagan, we are in the minority. One of our biggest challenges is lack of knowledge on behalf of others. When you are identified as Pagan the natural human tendency is to stereotype and you become the face of all Pagans. Your actions then mirror and imitate, in the eyes of the uneducated beholder, those of all Pagans. Hold true to your beliefs and see the Goddess/God in all. Act and treat others accordingly, with respect, in private and in public.
In addition, express some gratitude for life and your Creator. We chose and were given the life, situation, body, best suited for us to experience what we needed to. Make the best of it. We are complicated beings in a complicated world, all synchronized by God as he spins the wheel of life, life that Goddess created.
Looking for miracles? Look in a mirror or take a walk outside and take in all the grandeur. ( The miracles are all around us in multiple forms. Be grateful for them and for the ability to acknowledge and enjoy them. See the Creator in all you encounter and your days will be brighter and more fulfilling. Try it. I think you will like the results.
Blessed Be!

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