Words of Wisdom!
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Saturday, December 12, 2020
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Blessing on this Veterans' Day
Beloved Mother Goddess, Beloved
Father God, We ask for blessings on all those who have served their
country in the armed forces.
We ask for healing for the veterans who have been wounded, in body and soul, in conflicts around the globe.
We pray for those with injured bodies and traumatized spirits. Bring
solace to them. May we pray for them when they cannot pray.
Bring peace to all veterans' hearts and peace to the regions they fought in.
Bless all the soldiers who served in any manner. May their calling to serve continue in their lives in many positive ways.
Give us all creative vision to see a world that, growing weary with
fighting, moves to affirming the life of every human being and so moves
beyond war.
So mote it be!
Monday, November 25, 2019
A Folded Napkin
Since I hadn't had time to round up a busboy to replace Stevie and really didn't want to replace him, the girls were busing their own tables that day until we decided what to do. After the morning rush, Frannie walked into my office. She had a couple of paper napkins in her hand and a funny look on her face.
“Hold up there, Stevie, not so fast," I said. I took him and his mother by their arms. "Work can wait for a minute. To celebrate you coming back, breakfast for you and your mother is on me!"
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Too Much or Not Enough?
During this time we will find ourselves with questions about what we have because our possessions can hold us back upon the way to perfection if we have so many that they consume our time taking care of them. What happens to your feeling of abundance when you think you must guard what you have instead of sharing? This feeling of guarding your possessions may disengage you from the flow of abundance
So, ask yourself, would it be better to share what you have? Having "things" is so much engrained in our consumer mentality that we might find it an unusual thought to consider "sharing" what we have with others… but it can, no, it should be done, and done happily.
People are taught to consider possessing an abundance of "things" to be a sign of success. Thus, we have the bumper stickers that say: "He who dies with the most toys WINS!" Really? Life is a game? What is the prize?
With wisdom we are shown that the person who is the wealthiest does not want for more, regardless of how much or how little he has. Whereas the poor man has a plethora of "wants" and feels the lack of his desires.
Of these two individuals, who is the happiest? Who has the most well-being?
Which one would YOU rather be?
It's worth thinking about…
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Truly Despicable!

Fox News
Despite silence from many religious leaders, I feel impelled to publicly decry the current policy (it is not the law) that has been implemented by this current President and his administration that results in innocent children, children of all ages and many national origins, being forcefully, physically separated from their parents and/or guardians.
It is my understanding that the illegal crossing of the national border is a misdemeanor offense at worse and a non-offense if the act involved the request of asylum in the United States. Imagine being pulled over for speeding and having your child taken as a result. No child should be used as a negotiation tool at any level. Our immigration policy is in need of an overhaul, complete overhaul, including border security along with the “legal” process of obtaining citizenship. However, this method of forcing change reeks of prejudicial treatment. Condemned by the UN committee for Human Rights, so, we will just leave the committee. How can we as a country then pass judgment on other countries for their inhumane policies and acts? Where does the line get drawn? (Never mind, we can just erase that line, too). We are sinking fast to the ranks of third-world countries when it comes to our political morals and ethics.
What is sadder is the acceptance and support of an egotistical man-child who has empathy only for his bank accounts. He acts like the world is the school yard and if he does not get his way he will either take his ball and go home or bribe the kids with a chocolate bar (aka money). The majority of Americans did not vote for him, despite his many claims. Did he win fairly via the Electoral College? Per the Constitution, yes, he did. (Russian influence or not) So where are all the non-followers? Where is the Congressional action? They have become enablers, just like his cronies. No checks and balances are in play.
Follow the money, as it usually answers so many questions, particularly the “why”. This money trail leads to ransom being paid for the release of the children in return for the coveted “wall”. Is that how real politics works?
Being in my senior years I cannot help but wonder wonder what the reactions would have been if this occurred in the 1960s and '70s. Action in any non-violent legal form at any level is needed to halt or redirect this maniacal regime. Enable or intervene?
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
The Language of Love
The following was given to me by a friend with a request to post on his behalf. Please give it a read and feel free to leave some feedback. and, as always, don't forget to click that "Follow"button. Thanks!
Dear Heart!
In this day and era of 2018, we are experiencing the most aggressive changes we have ever seen. We have witnessed technology take a step forward very quickly. We have witnessed moral values shift to a completely new set off rules and regulations. The mass media is trying to adapt and never before has the stress that steams from these changes affected our children as intensely.
One might ask, if these changes are for the better, or if they are for the worst. Opinions are divided and I have personally witnessed us abandoning our outdoors plans and enrolling in more activities within the four walls we live in! The natural balance has been disturbed by many and with no intention of trying to get it back. Mistakes are a part of being human, they are needed to promote self growth. However, we are suppose to learn from them, and then, embrace the positive changes that are innate.
I would like to take this chance to send love and blessings to all those out there, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation or religious beliefs, as everyone is be entitled to they liberty of expression, thought and belief. Many of us suffer on a daily basis as the society standards of “normal” and of “acceptable” are changing at the speed of light, much too fast for us to keep up. Some develop an emotional type of depression that will end up becoming a vicious cycle of lack of self esteem, a loss of courage, as we become beings that are lost, unbalanced and not even aware of everything that makes us unique. We think our qualities are flaws and all our efforts will never be good enough for us to be recognized as a valuable individual, special and Irreplaceable. My advice would be, look in the mirror, the fact alone that no one else looks like you makes you special and unique. Let that sink in if you feel it is a good idea to do so.
Let us all practice forgiveness, let’s love those who love us, and love the ones who criticize us even more, as they hide they own feelings of inadequacy by bullying their peers, their sadness, their loss of hope, take a toll on who they are meant to be. They are suffering, too, and maybe more than what we ever could imagine. Some things are easier said than done but with the proper discipline they are possible. There are very little things we cannot achieve if we have the compatible mindset. Once again, YOU are special, YOU are unique. Let that sink in, if you deem it important.
We might all be different in color, gender, and even nationality, but we should never forget we all have access to a universal language, the one we receive as babies, as we grow up…
Please do not allow yourself to forget this language:
The Language of Love & Forgiveness