Thursday, October 8, 2015

We Are All One

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One of my core beliefs is that we are all one. We are all here as the result of Deity, call Him/Her what you may. Deity lives within us all. I always use the visualization of auras to help explain this. Auras are energy that an object gives off. We all have them, even though most of us cannot see them. These auras, appearing in various colors depending on the energy, strength and nature, can emit from us a couple of inches to a couple of feet. What happens to these auras , these energies, when you encounter somebody within that space? Do you bounce off each other like negative-positive magnets? No, they overlap, they become one. One by one, they overlap, uniting us all. As such, every thought we think and every action we take has an effect on the world around us. To be aware of this is to be conscious of our impact on the people in our lives.

Considering the full ramifications of our actions can be an important part of our spiritual growth and awareness. At first, being more conscious requires much effort, but once we have made it a habit, it becomes second nature and the more we practice this awareness, the more we find ourselves in alignment with our integrity, giving us a soundness of character.

Our thoughts are the seeds of our actions. Try to choose one thought or action per day and notice if you are in alignment with this experience of integrity. One day, you may find ourselves replaying a negative encounter with someone in our minds. You may think this doesn't affect the person about whom you are thinking, but the laws of energy and physics tell us it does (see earlier article "Laws of Physics" at Let go of the negative thoughts and replace them with positives, perhaps a healing wish on their behalf.

To nurture these seeds once they become actions, take time to consider how you would feel if you were in the other person's shoes. Remember, while we are all one, we are also unique individuals. That will enable you to communicate sensitively rather than selfishly from your own perspective. By doing so, you will bring benefit to that person as well as yourself. This reaffirms your integrity and the integrity of your relationship to the world.

Blessed Be!

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